

易胜博app安卓下载鼓励学生带来他们的服务价值观, leadership, community, and globalism into the practice of sustainability.

Solar Panels at Groton

易胜博app安卓下载大学校园周围有三个太阳能电池阵列,都是在2018年至2021年之间增加的. 可再生能源的进步是学生团体推动的结果, 由校长Temba Maqubela和董事会支持. The primary solar farm is named for John B. 他因为帮助开发锂离子电池而获得了诺贝尔化学奖. 易胜博app安卓下载高中是美国首批使用锂离子电池储存能量的高中之一.

当需求(和电价)较低时,电池可以在夜间充电,并在最需要的时候释放能量, reducing the carbon footprint of the school, the town of Groton, and New England. 通过少量储存能源来缓解需求过剩的时期,有助于公用事业公司避免转向污染严重的柴油发电机. The John B. Goodenough太阳能农场是学校致力于创建可持续校园的一个组成部分.

John B. Goodenough Solar Field

The John B. Goodenough Solar Farm is Groton’s main solar field, significantly reducing the campus' reliance on fossil fuels. In its first year, from  September 2020 to September 2021, the field provided about 147 megawatt hours of power.

Gardner Village Solar Field

The Gardner Village faculty residences, which opened in 2020, have their own dedicated solar field, making the LEED-certified building net-zero. The solar panels provide up to 55.每小时9千瓦的电力,积累的电力足以满足大楼的所有能源需求.

Wastewater Treatment Solar Field

自2018年9月以来,一个太阳能场为易胜博app安卓下载的废水处理提供了电力. 这个太阳能电池阵列比Goodenough太阳能农场要小得多,只有52块电池板. 在太阳能领域的前三年,它为电网贡献了大约55兆瓦时的能量. From January to May of 2021, 废水处理太阳能场产生的能量大约相当于Goodenough场15天产生的能量. 虽然相比之下它很小,但它对易胜博app安卓下载的太阳能电网做出了重大贡献.

Buildings on Campus

Gardner Village

Gardner Village于2020年完工,是校园内第一座零净建筑. 四个单元的教师住宅综合体,有自己的专用太阳能电池阵列,是在下面建造的 LEED requirements and is awaiting LEED certification. To prevent excessive energy use, the building has energy-efficient double-layered windows, a tight building envelope, insulation, heat pumps, and a convection oven. 加德纳村为教师们提供了一种可持续的生活方式,沿着易胜博app安卓下载的道路实现零净.


In 2015, Groton School updated the main academic building, the Schoolhouse, following LEED guidelines when planning the new addition. 最引人注目的是校舍能源效率的提高, 这都是通过加热和冷却系统和高效的照明装置来实现的. 圆环下的地热热泵为校舍的新增部分提供温度控制, 所有的灯都有运动传感器,可以在短时间不活动后关闭.

Dining Hall

易胜博app安卓下载的食堂从各种当地企业采购食物来制作他们的 menu, paying special attention to seasonality. 餐厅与当地几个农场合作了十多年, serving nutrient-dense and flavorful meals.

Other Sustainable Dining Hall Practices:
  • The Dining Hall collects leftover frying oil and sends it to Newport Biodiesel, a company that converts the oil into renewable energy.
  • 食堂还收集剩下的食物残渣,并将它们送到 Shaw Farm.
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Environmentalism in the Curriculum

学生们可以将可持续发展融入他们的易胜博app安卓下载教育中, starting with foundational classes in Second and Third Form. 在第二形式科学中,学生们用一个学期的时间讨论气候变化及其解决方案. Ecology, one of two science options for Third Formers, 研究动物与环境之间的关系,并关注这种关系如何随着气候变化而变化. 

一旦进入高中,学生有更多的自由选择符合他们兴趣的课程. 他们可以利用环境科学来探索人类是如何影响我们的星球的. 之后是高级生态学,这是超越三级生态学课程的深度学习. 

Outside of the Science Department, students may opt for Sustainability and Literature, 阅读与气候相关的小说(并帮助建立可持续发展网页). 许多人学习的课程并不是明确地易胜博app安卓下载可持续发展,而是包括各种环境项目. These classes include Environmental Chemistrytaught by Headmaster Temba Maqubela甚至微积分A和应用微积分,学生可以设计以可持续发展为重点的项目. 六年级学生也可以在2021年开设独立学习课程(称为辅导课), 两名学生研究并维护了一个蝴蝶花园,作为环境教程.

Sustainability Committee

由学生领导的可持续发展委员会致力于创建一个更可持续的易胜博app安卓下载. With six heads and more than forty members, 委员会与政府、楼宇及场地合作,倡导环保措施. Future ideas include creating a composting system; increasing recycling; promoting Environmental, Social, Governance investment policies; planning Earth Day celebrations, and advocating for a sustainability coordinator.
Envirothon is an academic competition focused on environmental topics. Although 2021 was Groton School’s first time competing, the team swept the competition, winning the Natural Resource Challenge, the Current Issue section, and the overall prize at the Massachusetts Envirothon, while also placing fourth in the Nationals.

FDR's Sustainability Legacy

富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(1900年出生的易胜博app安卓下载总统)创立了美国宪法.S. Civilian Conservation Corps, 它不仅在大萧条时期支撑了美国经济,还帮助保护了自然资源和我们国家的野生动物. FDR’s legacy remains on today’s campus in many forms, such as our own Conservation Corps, 一个下午的活动,学生可以选择代替运动. 

易胜博app安卓下载保护队成立于2012年,其目标是改善校园开放空间和易胜博app安卓下载镇其他受保护地块的栖息地质量. Members of the Conservation Corps keep trails clear, learn about the ecology of the region, 一般来说,工作是为了欣赏我们周围的自然世界.
该小组在秋季每周聚集四个下午,承担各种任务, 包括从敏感地区清除入侵植物物种, dragging fallen trees from paths, 只是在校园里徒步或划独木舟,清点物种.